
Millers Dining Room

When I was ten years old my family started to go out occasionally to restaurants for Sunday dinner. Many of them were in East Cleveland. It was the 1960’s and the women often had on pillbox hats with matching handbags and shoes. My dad’s ties were narrow then and our... read more

Timberland Lodge Birthday Bash

The floorboards, beams, and timber of this lodge are so hefty – creeping about late at night is no problem – no squeaks! The chair, in one of the cozy rooms off the lobby, I’m sitting in, could hold a sumo wrestler. These are details of a shrine to the... read more

The Regal Thistle – Heirloom Artichokes

As Seen In:Spring, 2015 At twilight, the silver, ethereal glow from an artichoke plant draws the eye to its fountain of regal, deeply, cut leaves. The plant, which can get to four feet in height and span five feet or more, is a dominant focus of the garden. The... read more


Saddle Mountain is a natural wonder of extruded, hexagonal, basalt columns, vistas of major Northwest mountains and home to forty plus wildflowers. Ascending the trail, views of the ocean, inland peaks and vast forestlands surrounding it, spread before you. The... read more


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Kilned Again – A fun read. Lots I didn’t know about the art world and the underhanded dealing of human smugglers.

M. SteinbockPittsburg PA