
FALLOUT, The Jennifer Harrington Jones Prequel – Chapter 1

 After months of quasi – dating, both Peter and Jennifer have questions.“And if this time together morphs into a relationship?”“You mean, if I get pregnant.”Peter’s warm brown eyes regarded Jennifer dispassionately.“Abortion probably…. though now, there’s the... read more

Lobsters in Maine

College was done for the summer. I’d been invited on a sailing trip with my roommate Jillian, through the islands off Maine’s coast and a stay with her friend Sam in Kennebunkport. Wending the waters through the small bits and larger acreage on the Atlantic’s edge. We... read more


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Skakteboarders Rock

Kilned Again’s teenage skateboarders rock in this mystery. A potter brings to light clandestine shenanigans in the Pacific Northwest with lush details of art, food, and environment.

L Bowman
Seattle, WA

Kilned Again

Kilned Again – A fun read. Lots I didn’t know about the art world and the underhanded dealing of human smugglers.

M Steinbock
Pittsburg, PA

New Personal Favorite

This book is my new personal favorite. Jennifer Harrington Jones is wacky and fun. Lots of delicious food descriptions. Kinda wish there were recipes included. Liked learning about the covert world of pottery.

S Long
Austin, TX




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