Hough Bakeries in Cleveland Ohio Are Resurrected

Hough Bakeries in Cleveland Ohio Are Resurrected

Hough Bakeries were the iconic pinnacle of those who longed to perfect their pastry skills. Unusual in the business of mass market commercial bakeries, they used no artificial ingredients or preservatives. Making all their own products for high quality ingredients...
Stone Fruit Season

Stone Fruit Season

STONE FRUIT SEASON Stone fruits; nectarines, peaches, apricots, plums, and cherries, remind me of a French breakfast I had one Sunday in Antibes, France. Plums at the farmers market were so royally purple and blushed with pink they tempted my imagination. I wanted to...
Salal Berry Vinegar

Salal Berry Vinegar

Salal Berry VinegarIn the Pacific Northwest, salal grows prolifically in coniferous forests and within landscaped residences. Its deep green waxy leaves sprout clusters of white bell shaped flowers with pink tips, similar to blueberry flowers, with which they are...
Nutty Awakening

Nutty Awakening

Glasnost and Perestroika opened a number of tenuous attempts at business and friendship in the 1980’s between the United States and the dissolved Soviet Union.
Russian fishing fleets arranged a business deal with Pacific Northwest American fishermen.